Sunday, January 19, 2020

Canceled... Colfax Only...


Saturday, March 21, 2020 Colfax IA
Presented by Velorosa & BikeIowa
Preregister online $20

CASH ONLY On-site day of entry $30
On-site registration opens at 10:00 AM and closes at 11:45. On-site registration will be located in Colfax at Georgioz
12 East Front St.

All groups start @ 12:00 PM.
Women A -  4 laps - 32 miles.
Women B -  4 laps - 32 miles.
Men B  -   4 laps - 32 miles.
Men A  -   6 laps - 49 miles.

Promoter reserves right to combined fields based on rider turn out.

Total Course distance is 8.03 miles, all gravel.
The course has 9 corners with rolling to hilly terrain proceeding clockwise.
Event staging at Georgioz, the group will roll 1.5 miles to the course, re-stage, and start.

Questions? Contact Boyd, burnham2000 (at) gmail dot com.

Directions; From i80 Colfax (exit 155), turn South on HWY 117. Turn left (east) on East Front St. and use Georgioz parking lot, 1218 E Front St. Colfax IA 50054

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Course Map Iowa Spring Classic, Cumming IA

Saturday March 14, 2019 Cumming IA
Presented by - BikeIowa 

Preregister online - $20

CASH ONLY On-site day of entry $30
On-site registration opens at 10:00AM closes at 11:45. 
On-site registration will be located in Cumming at the Cumming Tap. 

All groups start @ 12:00 PM.
Women A - 5 laps/28.5 miles.
Women B - 5 laps/28.5 miles.
Men  B  -  5 laps/28.5 miles.
Men  A  -  7 laps/40 miles.
Promoter reserves right to combined fields based on rider turn out.

We will roll out from The Cumming Tap at 12:00PM as one, re-stage on the course and start. Total Course distance is 5.7 miles, all gravel. The course has 8 corners with rolling to hilly terrain proceeding clockwise.
Questions? Contact Scott Sumpter biker@bikeiowa dot com

Directions; From i35 exit (#65) Cumming, turn East County Rd G24 (Cumming Ave), go to the Cumming Tap, 117 Station St. 50061.

View IASC Cumming Two in a larger map

Friday, January 17, 2020

Eleven years of the Iowa Spring Classic!

Colfax only, Canceled...

Attention bicycle riders!

NO USAC license requirement, show up and ride your bicycle!

Pre-reg online, $20 BikeReg website.
Onsite registration is $30, cash only.

There will be two groups for women A/B and men A/B
Recommended rider format:
Women A - Advanced, USAC MTB cat 1-2, & USAC Road cat 1-3.
Women B - Beginner, USAC MTB cat 3, & USAC Road cat 4-5.
Men A - Advanced, USAC MTB cat 1-2, & USAC Road cat 1-3.
Men B - Beginner, USAC MTB cat 3, & USAC Road cat 4-5.

Women A, 3 places for $100, $50-$30-$20.
Men A, 3 places for $100, $50-$30-$20.
Women B, 3 places for gift certificates.
Men B, 3 places for gift certificates. 

Rules: A helmet is required at all times. Courses are open to traffic and the centerline rule will be strictly enforced. The Promoter reserves the right to combine fields when applicable. 
These events DO NOT count for USAC upgrade points.

No Neutral Follow - No Neutral Support - No Neutral Wheels.
Carry a tube(s), pump, or CO2 cartridge with you during your race. The Colfax and Cumming courses are ALL GRAVEL. We recommend BOMB PROOF tires for all events. Ride your CX bike, Fat bike, MTB, and folks have ridden road bikes.

Questions? Contact Boyd, burnham2000 (at) gmail dot com for Colfax segment.
Contact Scott Sumpter - biker@bikeiowa dot com for Cumming segment.